Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Digital stories

Read the link.

Now it's time for you to make your own Digital story
Preparing the Learning Resource
Look at the photos for this activity at
Print off this activity sheet and number the instructions below in the correct order according to the photos for making Choux Pastry:
Sift the flour
Ingredients for choux pastry, plain flour, eggs, butter, beaten egg, salt in a teaspoon and a jug of water
Add eggs to pastry mixture and Stir with wooden spoon until mixture appears shiny
Bring the Water and butter to the boil in a saucepan
Spoon dough into piping bag
Add the flour and stir constantly with a wooden spoon until combined
Bake the pastry
Cook the smooth and solid mixture until the mixture pulls away from the saucepan
Test the smoothness of the dough
Water being poured over cut up pieces of butter in a saucepan.
Piping the choux mini éclairs mix onto a greased baking tray, ( silicon paper can also be used)
You will use these steps to narrate your resource.
Blip Video - How to create a Photostory resource
View the instructional video at
This video will show you how to take your photos and script and turn into a digital story using Photostory 3. You may like to watch the video all the way through and then replay and pause as you create your own digital story.
Flickr – Downloading Choux Pastry Photos
Read these instructions on downloading photos at
Download the example photos on baking choux pastry at to your computer.
Photostory 3 – Creating your digital learning resource
Download and install photostory on your computer from
When you are ready open the Photostory 3 program.
Click on ‘Start’ / All programs / Photo Story 3 for Windows
Build your learning resource based on what you have learned from the video.
Play and have fun!!
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